
If you are a scholar or professional who is determined to excel, the 网赌上分平台 is the place for you.

The rigor of our graduate 项目, 我们教员的关系, and the reputation of the University will give you an edge as you pursue your professional goals.

在过去的三年里, graduates who received a master’s degree in forensic science have earned a cumulative GPA of 3.84. Based on survey results from the last three years, 91% of graduates from the 网赌上分平台 Forensic Science 项目 reported being employed in their field or pursuing and advanced degree. Over 85 percent said they agreed or strongly that their professors exhibited a thorough knowledge and understanding of their subject matter, and 77% believe that they received the necessary education and training to be successful in forensic science or related disciplines.

研究生s of our master’s degree in forensic science have pursued careers with companies, 组织, 和机构,如:

  • American Regulation of Pathology Armed Forces DNA ID Lab
  • 阿肯色州犯罪实验室
  • Army CIV Lab Expeditionary Forensic Division
  • 奥斯汀警察局
  • Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office
  • 波士顿警察局
  • 百时美施贵宝
  • 加州司法部
  • California Los Angeles Crime Lab
  • 卡拉威实验室
  • 法医学中心
  • Chief State Attorney's Office, Rocky Hill, CT
  • Columbus Division of Police Crime Lab
  • Commonwealth of Massachusetts Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
  • Connecticut Analytical Corporation
  • Connecticut DESPP Division of Scientific Services
  • 达拉斯警察局
  • 部门. 康涅狄格州公共卫生中心
  • FBI Lab Division, Quantico, Virginia
  • FDLE
  • 通用动力公司,电船公司
  • 乔治亚州调查局
  • Hudson County Prosecutor's Office, Jersey City, NJ
  • Indianapolis-Marion County Forensic Services Agency
  • 英威达
  • 堪萨斯州调查局
  • Oklahoma City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
  • Massachusetts Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
  • Massachusetts State Police Forensic Services DNA Unit
  • 密歇根州警察
  • Missouri State Highway Patrol Crime Laboratory Division
  • 国家医疗服务实验室
  • 海军罪案调查处
  • 新罕布什尔州警察
  • 新墨西哥州警察实验室
  • New York OCME Lab: Missing Persons
  • 纽约警察局
  • New York State Police Forensic Investigation Center
  • NMS实验室
  • 北卡罗来纳州犯罪实验室
  • Pharmanex
  • 费城犯罪实验室
  • 精密治疗
  • 罗恩·史密斯 & Associates Inc .).
  • Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Crime Lab
  • St. 路易斯市警局犯罪实验室
  • State of Connecticut Forensic Laboratory
  • 赛默飞世尔科技
  • US Army Criminal Investigation Lab: Expeditionary Forensics Division
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture Bioforensics Unit
  • U.S. Forest Service National Genomics Center for Wildlife & 鱼的保护
  • 华盛顿州巡逻队
  • West Virginia State Police Forensic Laboratory – Drug Identification Unit
  • 威斯康星州犯罪实验室
  • 耶鲁纽黑文医院